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Mobile Computer Software

Enterprise Keyboard Support

Enterprise Keyboard also makes use of Android's Personal dictionary for spelling suggestions and corrections, permitting customers and partners to populate the device with industry-specific terms to help improve the speed and accuracy of keyboard input.

  1. Switch keyboard layouts with taps or swipes
  2. Scan directly with the Barcode tab to collect data where and when it's needed
  3. Input long-press characters with a finger-flick
  4. The Globe key quickly pages through selected languages
  5. Remappable keys easily enable custom key layouts
  6. A specially designed color scheme permits easy viewing indoors and out
  7. Supports use of Android's Personal dictionary for spelling suggestions, correction, etc.

Additional information and documentation is available at Zebra TechDocs.  


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Installation Requirements

Please refer to the release notes.

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Device To Version/Operating System Compatability

The table below lists EKB-compatible devices (and respective operating systems) that DO NOT come with Enterprise Keyboard preinstalled.

For devices with EKB preinstalled:

  • Devices running Android 7.x Nougat (or higher) can be upgraded using the latest Enterprise Keyboard installer (.apk).
  • For pre-Nougat devices, please refer to the respective release notes for EKB compatibility information. 

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