Public Sector Use Case

Defence and Security

Smarter Real-Time Information on Assets and Inventory

Zebra Technologies Military solutions are designed, tested and proven to operate in the toughest environments supporting The British Armed Forces to operate on-the-move over Land, Sea and Air and excel in hostile environments and extreme conditions.

Zebra's Military Mobile Computing Solutions (MMCS)
Zebra's Military Mobile Computing Solutions (MMCS)

Support Soldiers, Aircrew and Naval personnel tactically and strategically with intelligent interactive and adaptive hardware for mission critical communications, data and situational awareness whilst remaining hands free – your true digital Ally.

Zebra's Asset Tracking Solutions (ATS)
Zebra's Asset Tracking Solutions (ATS)

Provide all personnel with Realtime data and 100% accurate overview to support planning, responding, recovering and moving forwards with your supply chains and logistics.

Zebra's Asset Repair and Maintenance Management (AARM)
Zebra's Asset Repair and Maintenance Management (AARM)

Accurately track and manage maintenance, repair and overhaul from start to finish and continue with current status records and historic and continual records updates.

Zebra's Military Mobile Computing Solutions (MMCS)

Zebra Technologies offer global market leading experience in deploying adaptive rugged mobile computing solutions.

Our top end MMCS expect to be used day in and out in high impact and challenging environments, from extreme cold and damp to hot and humid or dusty. We outclass and outperform other devices operating for extended durations around salt sea water or explosive environments requiring ATEX certification, Zebra have Fast, Hard, Secure solutions for all situations.

Our highly versatile fleet of rugged Tablets, Mobile Computers with Accessory ECO Systems ensure your Zebra is a trusted resource that can be relied upon and operate daily as personal communications devices and from Battlespace to Business-space as well as join you on deployment to hostile environments.

Zebra’s range of mobile computers and tablets are designed to meet these requirements, meeting MIL-STD-810G and MIL-STD-461F standards whilst offering the latest Windows and Android operating systems, with screen sizes from 5in. to 12in. with full touch input to capture operational data and 4G/WIFI communications options.

Build Your End-to-End Solution

Transportation and Logistics Solutions
Transportation and Logistics Solutions

In today's world, the demands on transportation and logistics companies are higher than ever. Dedicated Warehouse, Fleet and Delivery, and Yard and Terminal solutions enable visibility to every aspect of your business and keep operations running flawlessly around the clock.

Zebra MotionWorks™ Location Solutions
Zebra MotionWorks™ Location Solutions

Zebra MotionWorks Location Solutions provide complete location sensing of assets, inventory, and people to solve complex business problems and build a competitive advantage.



Zebras world class enterprise Life Guard support for all of our Android devices assures five years + of supply and support not just on the hardware but also the operating system enabling assurance that investments will return a lifespan to drive efficiencies and savings to all services.

Lifeguard Android Icon
LifeGuard™ for Android™
LifeGuard™ for Android™

LifeGuard™ for Android™ is Zebra’s software security solution that extends the lifecycle of enterprise mobile computers.

Part of the Mobility DNA Suite

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