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Mobile Computer Software

Wireless Insights Support

Wireless Insights significantly reduces the time taken to identify and diagnose mobile connectivity issues impacting your operations.

Data-driven Insights

Zoom into thousands of devices to view real-time performance and determine connectivity issues.

Immediate alerts if a change created an issue and historical benchmarks identifying the impact of software or configuration changes.

Pinpoint the exact location of where the performance degradation is happening within your organization.

Automated centralized packet capture and data, avoiding needless site visits and phone calls.

See the end-to-end experience and identify the root cause of issues between device, network, and application.

Zebra Wireless Insights Advantage:

Proactively monitor and manage the end-to-end user experience on your network.

Wireless Insights Provides:

  • Constant monitoring without performance degradation.
  • Real application performance (not synthetic).
  • Roaming performance metrics.
  • Roaming root-cause analysis.
  • Voice cell analysis with Mean Opinion Score (MOS) quality.
  • Location-issue tracking using 802.11mc/FTM.
  • Access to the device's true MAC and wireless details.
  • Packet capture.

Wireless Insights Delivers:

  • Actionable insights: Use data from across the network and fleet to help resolve infrastructure issues.
  • Easy root cause analysis: Correlate network and client events and reduce disruption.
  • Visibility: Pinpoint the exact location of performance degradation.

Zebra's Partners Utilizing Wireless Insights.


Aruba User Experience Insight (UXI) Dashboard


Extreme Intuitive Insights (EII) Dashboard


Trending Articles

Compatible Hardware

Wireless Insights Service comes preloaded and requires a license for the following supported devices.

Additional Resources

Useful links and resources to enhance your experience.

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